Students will:
*Critically view documentary film clips and interview segments
*Analyze primary source materials as historical evidence to research the McCarthy Era
*Articulate the complex relationships between the government, the people, and the press
*Connect what they learn about the history of the rise and fall of Joseph McCarthy to a current event
Historical Context
It is important to situate the McCarthy Era (1950–54) within the context of other domestic and international events occurring during this period. Students can examine these influential factors by listening to additional interview segments compiled in the making of The Soul of America, and by reading relevant source materials identified for this topic.
Fear of Communism After the First and Second World Wars
Lesson 4, Clip 1: Jon Meacham, The Red Scare of 1919–20 and the demonization of the other
Primary Resource: “Pointing Their Pens: Herblock and Fellow Cartoonists Confront the Issues: The Red Scare” https://loc.gov/exhibits/pointing-their-pens-editorial-cartoons/red-scare.html
The House Un-American Activities Committee
The Truman Library Archive: Background information: https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/education/presidential-inquiries/house-un-american-activities-committee
Primary Resources Document Set: https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/public/2019-03/HUAC_DocumentSet.pdf
The Role of the Press in a Democracy
Lesson 4, Clip 2: Jon Meacham, Attacks on the press during times of fear, and the five elements that shape an era.
Lesson 4, Clip 3: Jon Meacham, The role of changing technology
*Equipment to screen the video segments
*Film Clip 4, The Soul of America - The McCarthy Era
*Copies of Handouts
Handout 1: Note Catcher - McCarthy Era
Handout 2: The Rise of McCarthy Resources
Handout 3: The Fall of McCarthy Resources
Length: One 55-minute class period