Students will:
*Critically view documentary film clips and interview segments
*Analyze historical evidence and primary source materials to investigate the 1913 Women’s Suffrage March
*Compare the viewpoints of multiple individuals and groups who campaigned for women’s suffrage
*Explore how different factions within the movement used narrative to advance their common cause
*Reflect on connections between the suffrage movement and a contemporary social movement
Length: One 55-minute class period
Historical Context
It is important to situate the women’s suffrage movement (1913 through the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920) within the context of other domestic and international events occurring during this period. Students can examine these influential factors by listening to additional interview segments compiled in the making of The Soul of America, and by reading relevant source materials identified for this topic.
To strengthen student background knowledge, assign these background resources before beginning the lesson:
Second Rise of the KKK
*Film Clip 1: Linda Gordon Interview, "The second Ku Klux Klan" (4:17)
*Film Clip 2: Linda Gordon Interview, "How the KKK perceived the Women’s Suffrage Movement" (1:49)
*Film Clip 4: Lisa Tetrault Interview, "The rebirth of the KKK in 1915" (1:28)
World War I
*Film Clip 3: John Meacham Interview, "World War I" (3:55)
Movement Towards Prohibition
*Film Clip 6: Lisa Tretrault Interview, "Movements in the 19th Century" (3:07)
*Primary Resource: Brown, L. Ames. “Suffrage and Prohibition.” The North American Review, vol. 203, no. 722, 1916, pp. 93–100. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/25108710. Accessed 17 May 2024.
*Text of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, National Archives
What does it take to ratify an amendment to the Constitution
*Film Clip 5: Lisa Tretrault Interview, "Passage of the 19th Amendment" (3:57)
Learn about the movement for an Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution.
EqualRightsAmendment.org, a project of the nonprofit organization The Alice Paul Institute.
*Equipment to screen the video segments
*Film Clips from The Soul of America:
*Copies of Handouts:
- Handout One: Women’s Suffrage Note Catcher
- Handout Two: Resources for The Roots of the Suffrage Movement—19th Century, Beginnings of Suffrage’s Narrative
- Handout Three: Tension Within the Movement